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Sunday, August 7, 2016


Accident is any type of mishap or unfortunate incident that causes injury.

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Ted is the first name of the nonprofit committed to spreading ideas to people.

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Ted Talks

Ted Talks is nonprofit committed to spreading ideas to people.

Put the topic, Ted Talks, in the search engine below, get more fast and specific results about this topic.

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This is the last name of the fantasy character who is a wizard. This character was created by the famous author J.K. Rowling.

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Harry is the first name of the fantasy wizard named Harry Potter.

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Harry Potter Books

Harry Potter Books is a series of books about a fantasy character, who is a wizard.

More Information:

What is novel Harry Potter about?

Harry Potter is a series of fantasy novels. The author is J.K. Rowling.

Put the topic, Harry Potter, in the search engine below, get more fast and specific results about this topic.

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