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How to Find Appliances Online

Appliance technician, how much do they make per year or salary wise?

According to the national average. Appliance technicians in the 
U.S. earned an average of $35,000 a year, or $17.97 an hour.
Appliance Repair Maytag is a website related to appliances  . They 
are very popular.

A household appliance is equipment installed in a dwelling unit 
that is built to standardized sizes or types and is installed or 
connected as a unit to perform one or more functions, such as 
cooking and other equipment installed in a kitchen, clothes drying, 

clothes washing, portable room air conditioning units and portable 
heaters . Summary:Our public website allows anyone to search our 
database by the electrical contractor's name or electrician's name.If 
your electrical contractor and/or electrician sent to your home is 

licensed by L&I, then they will show up in our database.  is a popular site
Appliance repair companies are very important.


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